Pulse Oximeter: the medical device that monitors blood-oxygen Level

COVID 19 is a totally new disease and hence its symptoms are not yet properly known. Some experience cough, some have a sore throat, some have body-pain but one symptom is common for all if the infection gets aggravated and that is breathing trouble. If Coronavirus attacks the lungs, it immediately affects the breathing system and a person starts gasping. His blood-oxygen levels get depleted and within no time the person becomes serious. Looking at this trend of development of the disease, Pulse Oximeter: is very necessary to monitor blood-oxygen and be warned about the potential dangers in time.

Pulse Oximeter is easy to use a device that does this. It calculates and displays the pulse and oxygen-levels of a person. If the level is below 94, it is an alarming situation and the person must immediately seek medical help. Today when the number of patients is more than the available number of medical facilities, most of the infected people who do not show grave symptoms are advised to isolate themselves at home itself. In such cases, an oximeter is a boon because it tells you when exactly the patient has become serious and needs immediate admission.

Besides, it is very easy to use. It is like a clip that has to be attached to your finger and it immediately takes reading and displays it on the monitor on the instrument. A very easy to use, convenient and important medical device to monitor corona symptoms, that each one should possess in these hard times.

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